Well what a messy little child this is.

Not for our developers finely-tuned cut scenes, pithy dialogue and seamless interchange.

No sir, we're all about the mountains of cliche rammed with profanity and some of the worst set pieces you'll suffer through from a supposedly high-end title.

Strange, really. I remember the previous titles in the series being rather good.

What I don't recall is horribly stilted 'banter' between a potty-mouthed London wide-boy and his cavernous-of-larynx Yankee mate whose script reading comes across like a five-year-old's attempts at a legal waiver.

It is pretty, granted, but beauty only goes so far until irritations such as our wittering protagonists, the soundtrack constantly dipping in and out and conversation delays worse than an evening at gran's when she's dropped her hearing-aid batteries in the toilet rather spoil the enjoyment.