It's a poor hitman who gets his head stuck inside a toppling metal object. Hell, Agent 47 will undertake lots of baffling non-hitman actions here, so buggy is Absolution in its current form.

Thankfully the gameplay is good enough to navigate around these and plough on with the silent slaughter.

So the Agency is royally peeved with Agent 47 because he's gone off the radar with a mystery young girl whipped out from under the noses of his old employers.

Gameplay is splintered into separate missions involving the hit, with a rather open-world attitude to how you accomplish the deed. Blow him up, pump gun babies into his skull, run him through with a sharp object - take your pick. Just bear in mind your escape route.

Also bear in mind the game will do its damnedest to spoil the mission by freezing Agent 47 during stealthy tippy-toe deeds.

Oh the swearing...

But there's too much gaming class here to stay mad at the little dickens. He may be a naughty boy at times, but when he behaves, he does it impeccably.