I've smashed cars to smithereens in better games than Forza, but staple my mouth shut if it isn't the most beautiful drive outside of reality.

Of course, beauty ain't everything. I once had a very pretty cat, but it was rubbish at quadratic equations.

Horizon continues the theme of gargantuan pulchritude but also throws in a pie-full of seat-wetting hooligan fun.

Sadly, we get the same old ugly stain associated with most driving sims, that of the hastily-erected storyline where each character struggles to speak in a way befitting humankind.

It's easily ignored, thankfully, so you can get back to snapping the law by twisting your paper-light vehicle into the chasms of this Rocky Mountains-esque landscape.

If Horizon is a little light on its online options, it's packing heat with the vast open-world presented as your playground.

It's not quite the perfect maths kitty, but then what is.