It's like a wobbly raisin, really. No I'm not stupid, honest, that's what it looks like.

Only after the slow-walking infected man had chewed liberally on my face four times did I decipher that the wobbly raisin is, in fact, an instruction to waggle the right stick in order to stop the honourable gentleman from having my lips for breakfast.

An unintentional graphic horror show, there, in this perennial feast of the undead, during which our hero finds the smallest of obstacles impenetrable.

"Oh no, I cannot go any further, there's a very small chair on the carpet, I'll have to find another way around." Goodness me...

And mercy me, are we serious! I know the Earth's in mortal peril and people on the street want us all for din-dins, but a little less of the soap opera, stilted as it is, would have been welcome.

On the happy, smiley side, however, online co-operation is nice as pie, with outsiders from around the planet positively welcomed to the fold to help your quest of very melodramatic head-popping violence.

It's not the most open-plan of adventures, but your thirst to stamp very ill humans into the road will certainly be quenched.