
  • Naruto: Unleashed – Series 1:1 (12) Pinnacle Vision ****

    RIGHT so, let's get this straight... a big fox demon with a load of tails terrorises your village and a bunch of ninjas have their work cut out for them in trying to stop it. One ninja, however, appears to know a trick: he can trap the demon in a baby

  • The Librarian: Quest For The Spear (15) Cinema Club *

    ANY hopes Noah Wyle (nee Dr Carter) had of repeating Clooney's post-ER success will not be realised off the back of this derivative rubbish. He plays a man with 22 degrees who lands a job at a secret library, which happens to hold Excaliber, Pandora's

  • An American Haunting (15) Lions Gate Home Entertainment ****

    BASED on the true 1817 story of the Bell Witch, this unnerving story of a family haunted by an evil presence in their own home just manages to keep the tension mounting, as we watch the unseen spirit, occasionally through its own eyes, mount violent attacks

  • Angel Heart (15) Momentum Pictures *****

    A PRETTY-much forgotten yet totally compelling moody masterpiece from 1987 featuring the sublime cast of Mickey Rourke, Robert De Niro, Charlotte Rampling and Lisa Bonet. Small-time private detective Harry Angel is hired by the mysterious Louis Cyphre

  • OutKast - Idlewild (LaFace/RCA) ****

    RIGHT, just cos they rarely work together, Andre 3000 and Big Boi are not splitting and OutKast is still very much a going concern. Good, for together with Gnarls Barkley they are leading hip-hop out of the ghetto of its own making and into unexpected

  • Thea Gilmore - Harpo’s Ghost (Sanctuary) ****

    TWO years ago, Thea Gilmore's Avalanches threw down a marker to the likes of Alanis that their time was nigh. Cultured, angry and learned, she wrote from the dark side and made music to match - a provocative hymn to the power of song. Harpo's Ghost

  • Slade - Slayed? (Salvo) ***

    HOD carriers in panstick, superyobs in silver boiler suits Slade in their mid-70s heyday were so deliriously wrong that they had to be right. With hit 45s Mama Weer All Crazee Now and Gudbuy T'Jane, 1972's Slayed? was the album that marked their transformation

  • Cerys Matthews - Never Said Goodbye (Rough Trade) ***

    THREE years since Ms Matthews surprised us all with the dusty sweep of her first solo album, Cockahoop, she's back with another one. Like its predecessor, Never Said Goodbye instantly betrays Matthews' new home in Nashville, but this time out she's

  • Poole close to defeats record

    PIRATES' midweek rain-off against Wolves could mean they have to avoid defeat against Ipswich at home on Wednesday to stave off equalling an unwanted - and unwelcome - club record. Poole RIAS have lost their last six Elite League matches, albeit five

  • Yaris an even safer bet

    NOW in a second generation version, the latest five-star safety-rated Toyota Yaris has a profile that gradually grows on you and gently loses some of the original quirkiness. The latest Yaris is actually built on a new platform with 50 per cent high

  • Tremendous Two From Maserati

    MASERATI'S 400bhp V8 powered Quattro-sporte saloon now comes in two new versions - the Sport GT and the Executive GT. Priced at £80,595 (£6,000 more than the standard model) the Sport GT has been created to further enhance the spirit and character

  • We asked...and you answered

    WE HAVE received scores of e-mails and calls from readers in response to our appeal for views on what new leisure facilities Bournemouth needs. Here is a selection of the views expressed. John Walker: "I fully agree with the hoteliers and restaurateurs

  • New plan to redevelop shop arcade

    PLANS to redevelop an alley of abandoned shops at the gateway to the Saxon Square precinct have been unveiled in a bid to end a long-standing blight on the town centre. Almost four years after an earlier scheme was rejected, Saxon Square landlords

  • Three months to write letter

    BOURNEMOUTH council has apologised after a letter calling on the Secretary of State to urgently review national planning policies was not posted for three months. The correspondence, expressing fears that the resort could become permanently scarred

  • Burglaries on rise as people work outside

    A SPATE of burglaries in East Dorset has prompted calls for residents to install extra security measures. Thieves are typically stealing small valuable items such as jewellery from homes and are even breaking into garden sheds to take garden equipment

  • A new liver and a new lease of life

    TANNED, chatty and relaxed, Pat Gilbert is clearly loving retirement. She speaks fondly of her three children and six grandchildren, and as she relaxes in the conservatory of her Ringwood home, she reminisces with her husband John about his swimming with

  • Screenings in the open air, of Corfe

    THE dramatic and historic ruins of Corfe Castle are the setting for a series of open-air movie screenings being shown as curtain raisers to this year's annual Purbeck Film Festival. Now firmly-established, the event is believed to be not only the largest

  • Where is your money?

    A SHOCKING half of all women who took part in this year's Race for Life events have not returned their sponsorship money. Now organisers have issued an impassioned plea to participants to get collecting and hand in their money to help fund vital work

  • Foreign legion

    THERE have been calls for tighter immigration laws this week after Home Office figures revealed that almost 450,000 migrants from the former Eastern Bloc have registered to work here since EU expansion. Labour has also admitted it had underestimated

  • New lease of life for heart op Lucy

    LIFE-SAVING transplant surgery at the famous Great Ormond Street children's hospital in London has given new heart and hope to a New Forest schoolgirl and her family. Lucy Pearson, six, was born with a serious heart condition and had already undergone

  • Council action stops repeat of fly menace

    THE SUMMER was saved for hundreds of North Dorset residents who feared a repeat of last year's plague of flies. Last year many Child Okeford residents were forced to stay elsewhere as flies swarmed their homes and made eating outside unbearable.

  • GCSE-sy peasy as students celebrate

    DREAMS were made for some, while others spent a tearful day reconsidering their next move in life. Thousands of teenagers across the conurbation received their GCSE results ending months of anguish and uncertainty, but grades overall are on the up.

  • Going round the bend...

    OK, so let me get this straight. The Government is trying to reduce car pollution by making driving increasingly more expensive AND tell us that the growing problem of obesity is getting out of hand and that drastic measures are now needed. So tell

  • Probe into triple yachting tragedy

    AN INVESTIGATION is under way into the deaths of three yachtsmen thought to have drowned after their boat disappeared in the English Channel. A massive search was launched after the body of James Meaby, 36, of Tooting, south London, was discovered

  • Town’s 39% drop in teen pregnancies

    POOLE has been praised by a government minister for the way it has worked with young people to bring down teenage pregnancy rates. The town attracted negative publicity in 1997, when one of the UK's youngest mums, Jenny Teague, gave birth at the age

  • Fuel price war?

    DRIVERS in Dorset are set to benefit this bank holiday as the petrol price war hots up. Supermarket giants Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda are battling it out to attract customers on one of the busiest weekends of the year. And the price at the pumps

  • Man held after triple stabbings

    DETECTIVES hunting a knifeman who subjected three teenage girls to a frenzied attack in a quiet Dorset town have arrested a 20 year old in connection with the stabbing. The victims, aged 14, 15 and 17, had just got off a bus in Bridport when they were

  • Town set for busy, cool, bank holiday

    BOURNEMOUTH tourism chiefs are expecting around 60,000 visitors to descend on the town over the August bank holiday weekend. Accommodation bookings at the visitor bureau are looking "quite healthy", according to Bournemouth Tourism's Beverley White

  • Council losing out on rates in hotel dispute

    BOURNEMOUTH council is losing tens of thousands of pounds in business rates while a boundary dispute over a town-centre hotel's eye-catching new extension rages on. The owner of the Hermitage Hotel in Exeter Road is currently embroiled in a stand-off


    EDDIE Howe says Cherries must start to stem the tide. Howe is likely to reclaim his place when Sean O'Driscoll's side visit much-fancied League One rivals Doncaster Rovers tomorrow. The 28-year-old was rested in midweek as Cherries bowed out of the

  • Concerns could lead to interest rates rise

    PEOPLE'S growing concerns over inflation could become a self-fulfilling prophesy - pushing up interest rates. Almost three-quarters of consumers across the South expect prices to rise further over the next 12 months, according to latest data from Lloyds


    CASTLEPOINT bosses in negotiations over who should pay for the car park to be rebuilt have warned: "We'll go to court if necessary". The Castlepoint partnership has confirmed it is in "very constructive" discussions with builder Kier over who will

  • Severance (15) ***

    IF you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise Described tantalisingly as The Office meets Deliverance, which turns out to be wishful thinking, Severance is a blackly humorous romp drenched in entrails and blood, set during a corporate

  • Free film tickets

    FOLLOWING the successful week of BAFTA screenings earlier this year, Poole's Lighthouse has been chosen to screen a free BAFTA preview of Little Miss Sunshine (15) on Monday, September 4. Directed by husband and wife team Jonathan Dayton and Valerie

  • North Shore (PG) Preview

    FLEEING landlocked Arizona against the wishes of his single-parent mother, Rick Kane (Matt Adler) resolves to spend the summer surfing in Hawaii before enrolling in art school in the autumn. But there's more to surfing than surfing and Rick learns

  • Volver (15) ****

    PEDRO Almodovar's latest confection is a stunning meditation on life and death, centring on sisters Raimunda (Penelope Cruz) and Sole (Lola Duenas), who have to contend with the death of their beloved Aunt Paula (Yohana Cobo) and the accidental killing

  • You, Me and Dupree (12A) **

    TWO'S company, three's most definitely a crowd in You, Me And Dupree, a gently effervescent comedy about a couple of newlyweds, Carl and Molly Peterson (Matt Dillon, Kate Hudson), who invite down-on-his luck best man Randolph Dupree (Owen Wilson) into