I would like to draw the attention of the town to our cemetery on Tetbury Hill where over the past six years I have observed from living nearby dog walkers using it to exercise their dogs. Being a place of utmost respect, as so many people of the town have several generations of family buried there, I would urge dog owners to think of those people whose graves are visited on a regular basis and ask them to discourage allowing their pets to use hallowed ground as a toilet.

Relatively recently a very small sign was attached to a very large tree within the cemetery which was not visible to people entering at either gate.

Another slightly larger sign was attached to the public toilet door. Over the years I have asked the council to place larger signage at each entrance.

This has recently been agreed, plus a sign stating no dog fouling, which will be ignored. Personally,I would like to see a total ban on dogs in our cemetery.

If the people of Malmesbury agree with this suggestion, will the council act accordingly?

M Lovett, Malmesbury.