AS a nation, we are all told that our life span is increasing.

Many more lucky people are to receive the Queen’s birthday card. Are they really lucky? Apart from a close relative, very few people will be interested in anything you have to say.

I know, because thanks to a good doctor and consultant my life was extended and I am certainly enjoying those extra years. It has given me time to see so many mistakes that were made when I was young, being repeated today.

We protested, we waved banners, came out on strike.

Our past experience was it valuable? Forget it. Nobody wants to listen or talk, life today is so busy.

Thankfully, the Echo still has a lively Letters Page, providing an outlet for people of all ages to express their views.

Believe it or not many older people choose not to go ‘on line’.

They may still like to make their views known. Our local community magazine seldom publishes letters.

It once was a regular feature, now one feels the postage cost is wasted.

Many well-meaning folk are encouraging older people to keep active. To get moving, to come and join in. How important it is to do that. Equally I think the brain needs to be fully exercised.

In the Echo, letters regarding councillors, dogs, cyclists and developers are opened by the Editor at the ‘Village Pump’ and discussed.

Praise and condemnation go hand in hand.

May I express an opinion of my own?

The local honours system baffles me, Anthony Oliver deservedly receives the MBE, he and his wife have worked tirelessly for the town.

However, why has Margery Ryan never had an award for her tremendous efforts for the Save The Children Fund?

What about Malcolm Angel, whose vision and leadership drew people around him to bring a derelict Tivoli cinema back to life?

I wonder if the Model Town would have even been moved to a new site without the drive of Pat Hymers.

I will post this with a first-class stamp, safe in the knowledge that the Letters Page editor will give it due consideration for publication.

JACK LOVELAND, Parkwood Road, Wimborne