YOUR correspondent Les Lock (Letters, April 27) took me back years when he wrote: “We all want a high street full of grocers, bakers, butchers, fishmongers etc.”

I well remember them, Les, and used to work in a butchers and fishmongers in the High Street of Crowthorne, Berkshire from 1949 when I left school, to 1960.

Nearby were two large grocers’ shops, and two greengrocers’.

There were also three sweet shops, a dairy, and two small grocers’ shops.

Thank you for taking me back down memory lane.

They were the days!

I loved living in those times, when there was food rationing from the war years, but everyone was happy and had a good choice of where to shop.

Alas, we’ll never return to those times, Les!

The supermarkets of the present day sort of bulldozed our small shops away.

But could we do without them now?

I fear not.

SHIRLEY PECKHAM, Vincent Road, New Milton