DEVELOPERS who have spent years trying to build a cinema and restaurant complex in Bournemouth have been formally told they can no longer buy the land they were originally promised.

Bournemouth cabinet members unanimously agreed to reject a £300,000 offer for a strip of council-owned land at Exeter Road in the town centre.

Licet Holdings wanted to buy the land so they could build West Central – a £50m multiplex and restaurant complex on the former bus station site.

Bournemouth council had previously supported this scheme, awarding it planning permission and agreeing to sell Licet their parcel of land.

But the plans were delayed by the economic downturn and the council has now decided to withdraw its support because it wants to see a bus station back on the prime site.

Responding to a reminder that Bournemouth council could have bought the site 20 years ago for just £1.55m, deputy leader Cllr John Beesley said: “You can’t re-write history.

“What we have to do is relieve the pressure in Gervis Place and create the transport facility that we need.

“I’m still hopeful that a bus hub can be incorporated into a scheme on that site.”

The decision is a blow for Licet, but they have insisted they can build their scheme without the council’s land.