PLANS for a major “landmark” leisure development in Bournemouth will be unveiled to the public next week.

The Pavilion Gardens project would see a nine-screen cinema, 15 restaurants, shops and a 350-space car park.

As part of the £35 million scheme the iconic 82-year-old Pavilion would also be further refurbished.

It will be showcased on Thursday, March 24, in the Pavilion’s Lucullus Room and the public will get the chance to comment on the plans.

The ideas were originally put forward four years ago and included a casino, which was later dropped. The recession and contractual hold-ups have delayed the project.

Developer Trevor Osborne said: “We’re grateful to the public for their patience. We’ve used the time wisely to fine-tune the designs and to create something which will benefit the community of Bournemouth and its visitors.

“Our dream is to create a landmark building and to kick-start regeneration of Westover Road.

“The Odeon cinema is keen to move to our new development and there’ll be an opportunity to create something distinctive in the space they leave behind.”

The project will occupy the vacant site on the corner of Bath Road South and Westover Road.

The building will include a distinctive swirl design, which the public will be able to see next week. The cinema would be housed underground, as would the parking, and there will also be a landscaped garden.

Mr Osborne added: “We’re inviting the public to come and take a look at the changes, to see the new model, give feedback and ask questions about the plans. This building is for the people of Bournemouth and we’re determined to deliver something residents can be proud of.”

After the exhibition, the plans will be submitted to Bournemouth Borough Council.

If planners give them the green light, work should begin in the autumn, with an opening planned for spring, 2013.