RESIDENTS have won a battle against a developer who wanted to add an extra two storeys to their apartment block. 

Plans to expand Cedar Manor, in Poole Road, Westbourne, with 18 new flats have been refused by BCP Council’s planning officers. 

In November, the Echo spoke to many residents living in the block who all agreed the plans were not appropriate and would make living there worse. 

The plans would have changed the skyline of the area, adding an extra 5.3 metres in height to the building. 

Bournemouth Echo: Cedar Manor, Poole Road, Bournemouth

Cedar manor resident Juliette Jackson, 77, told the Echo she was “relieved” that the application was refused. 

"But they have six months to put in a resubmitted application,” she said. “We hope that they won’t do that but since the application was denied, four people here have put their flat up for sale. 

Read more: Bournemouth flat residents rally against 'frightening' plan

“They’ve rushed out in case the application comes back successfully. 

“We’re retired pensioners and we don’t want to move out and sell all our things. The majority are happy living here. 

“We’re all really relieved... the people here are older and do not want to start selling.” 

Bournemouth Echo: Cedar Manor, Poole Road, Bournemouth

Chief concerns with residents of the 1960s seven-storey building include additional noise, property being devalued and not enough parking spaces for potential new residents. 

Eighty formal letters of objection were written to BCP Council over the application, many saying the building was not designed to accommodate two extra storeys. 

One of the several reasons why planning officer Senjuti Manna refused the application includes noise concerns. 

She said: “The proposal will have inappropriate stacking of room uses within the blocks that will have potential noise impact on existing residents.” 

As well as this, the application by Drivegate Properties failed to provide enough cycle parking space to the council’s standards, according to the case officer. 

She added: “The proposed development, by reason for increased height, poor design and lack of architectural details on the façade would cause significant harm to the external appearances of the existing buildings as well as harm to the adjoining designated and non-designated heritage assets. 

“The proposal has failed to demonstrate adequate natural light in all habitable rooms.”