FEARS are mounting over proposals to build an extra two storeys of flats on flats in Bournemouth.

Residents in Cedar Manor, Poole Road, have rallied together in strong opposition against proposals to build 18 new flats across three apartment buildings.

They warn there isn’t the space on the grounds to accommodate the extra flats on top of the existing seven storey buildings. 

Sharon Roberts, 62, is a carer for her disabled 92-year-old mum who owns a flat and worries two more storeys will cause health problems. 

Bournemouth Echo: Cedar Manor, Poole RoadCedar Manor, Poole Road (Image: Daily Echo)

She said: “Already, this application has had a huge mental impact on her, causing depression, and work hasn’t even started yet. 

“She owns the property and is likely to see it being devalued if the new flats are built and there is also the stress of it if the work is to be done. 

“I don’t want to be overdramatic, but this could cut her life short. We’ve been told the lifts won’t be out of action for too long, but that’s simply not true.” 

Julie Parr, 65, lives on the top floor and warned there will not be enough parking spaces to accommodate the extra flats. 

She said: “We bought our flat to live in a peaceful, quiet environment and suddenly, we are faced with cranes and scaffolding and construction work.” 

Bournemouth Echo: The existing building is seven storeys tallThe existing building is seven storeys tall (Image: Daily Echo)

Ground floor resident John Coleman, 90, added: “Poole Road is quite a nice road and [the developers] are doing nothing to improve it. 

“The building already stands out like a sore thumb – building an extra two storeys is a bad idea.” 

Margaret Maclean, 94, lives on the top of the floor and is worried about the noise and disruption that could come with construction work. 

She said: “The flats won’t be livable during the construction phase. They’re nearly 50 years old now and the foundations for the building cannot cope with another two storeys on top.”  

Christine Gleeson, 76, has fears over the lift being out of use while the building work is completed. 

She said: “I have Parkinson's and have 75 steps to get up. There will also be nowhere to put the cranes and portaloos and everything else that comes along during the construction phase.”

Bournemouth Echo: Residents are against the plansResidents are against the plans (Image: Daily Echo)

Meanwhile, John Goodyear added: “These buildings are over 50 years old and are showing signs of cracking without putting two extra storeys on top.” 

Ann Tallamy, 76, added: “No extra parking will be provided so if you think of all the new flats that are being proposed, there will be nowhere for people to park their cars.” 

Juliette Jackson, 77, said: “All the flats cannot have a parking space each; there is not enough room for them.” 

Mrs Jackson’s husband Ronald, 79, added: “If it is built, it will be the tallest building in Poole Road. It was built in the early to late 70s... it was not designed then for an extra two storeys.” 

Maggie Jones added: “It’s a frightening prospect that is keeping me awake at night. We are passionate about where we live and the people here care about their building.” 

Ray Robinson, 60, added: “Ultimately, the structure of the building was designed for seven storeys, not nine.” 

Applicants Drivegate Properties has been approached for a comment. Its listed director declined to comment.