POLICE are warning motorbike owners to improve security and deter thieves after two stolen vehicles were found when officers were on patrol.

The two stolen motorbikes were found by officers in Turlin Moor, Poole.

Police have warned that it takes a ‘matter of seconds’ for thieves to steal a moped, scooter or motorcycle, especially if left unsecured or inadequatly secured.

Locks can be used to add a layer of protection, including disc locks to secure the front brake disc, a grip lock to secure brake and throttle controls or a D lock on the front wheel to stop it being wheeled away.

However, police warn that thieves often steal bikes by breaking steering locks and that chain locks can be more efficient.

They say to fit a chain lock through the back wheel, as the front wheel can be removed, and secure the bike to an object such as a ground anchor or street furniture.

This will stop criminals from using an angle grinder to cut a lock trailing on the ground.

If an object is not possible, then thread the chain through the bike frame and back wheel.

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Another deterrence can be using a bike cover, to prevent thieves from ‘shopping’ for particular bike models.

A cover makes a bike ‘less attractive’ for them and also adds another time-consuming obstacle.

Always ensure ignition keys are removed and use the steering lock, even if you are close by or away for a few minutes.

Alarms can also deter thieves and police suggest fitting an alarm system with tracking, immobilisation, anti-grab and movement sensors, to protect and trace vehicles.

Property marking bikes as much as possible will make it more difficult for criminals to sell parts on and therefore the bike is less attractive to steal, say police.

It can also help police identify parts and return recovered stolen bikes.

When at home, officers suggest storing motorcycles, mopeds or scooters in a garage or a shed, and upgrading door locks to improve security as well as alarms and low-level dusk to dawn lighting.

Although security measures cannot guarantee a bike will not be stolen, using multiple can make it harder and less attentive for thieves.