DETAILS for an approved scheme to build 38 homes near the A35 have been unveiled, just months after plans to build 109 homes on the same site were submitted.

A reserved matters application has been lodged with BCP Council for the homes as a part of the Hoburne Farm Estate development. 

The land is at the east of the estate, which has been the subject of various housing projects for many years.

Bournemouth Echo: Plans for Phase 9 of the Hoburne Farm Estate.

The plans feature 38 houses on the land off Cornflower Drive.

The proposal includes predominantly semi-detached housing, along with a block of eight apartments, running alongside one side of a newly created road.

There will be a mix of affordable and private flats and houses, with eight one-bed flats, eight two-bed houses, 15 three-bed houses and seven four-bed houses.

The east side of the road will be left as green space, aimed to be a ‘community open space.’

This open space would include a ‘woodland style’ play area, a network of footpaths and woodland.

There will be footpath and cycleway access to the development from the north border of the land, with the A35.

Bournemouth Echo: Designs for the block of eight apartments at the Hoburne Farm Estate.

In the original application, the development firm said the scheme offers ‘an excellent opportunity to deliver a new high-quality residential community and family homes to meet local demands and broaden the range and quality of housing in the area.’

The site has been subject to multiple planning applications, with two different schemes currently under consideration by the council.

In August, developers submitted full plans for 109 homes on the same site, after a previous outline application for 121 houses was rejected following 52 objections from residents.

This followed the approval of this outline scheme which was listed as a ‘strong material consideration’ in favour of the larger scheme in planning documents.

Both the full planning permission application and the reserved matters application are yet to be decided by BCP Council.