MORE than 120 homes could be built on a field in the latest phase of development on a Christchurch farm estate.

Hoburne Developments is seeking outline permission from BCP Council for the scheme to the south of the A35 Lyndhurst Road.

The site is known as Phase 9 of Hoburne Farm Estate and is the most easterly part of the land, which has been subject to various housing projects for many years.

The application sets out the overall vision to build up to 121 dwellings on the land.

Hoburne Developments already obtained outline planning permission for up to 38 dwellings in January last year, having submitted the proposal in 2017.

A statement submitted as part of the new plans by Chapman Lily Planning said: “This planning application, submitted on behalf of Hoburne Developments, is for up to 121 dwellings in the area known as Phase 9 of the Hoburne Farm Estate.

“The proposal is in outline with all matters reserved except for access therefore the matters to be considered are limited to those of principle and access.

“The planning application is submitted against the context of an aged local plan and lack of a 5 year housing land supply.

“Therefore, for planning permission to be denied, in the context of a lack of housing land supply and a clear compliance with the development plan, the impacts are going to have to be significant.”

The statement says the internal road system for the development is not part of the application as it relates to the layout of the scheme, which will be dealt with in subsequent reserved matters application.

Hoburne Developments is nearing completion on Phase 8 of the farm estate, the statement says.