THE financial plight of BCP Council could impact on future projects for its joint venture partnership development firm.

Bournemouth Development Company (BDC) has already had its development plans for schemes on the town centre Eden Glen site and the Cotlands Road and York Road car parks in the Lansdowne delayed.

Neither project has obtained planning permission yet and the company told the Daily Echo in July discussions could take progress with council planning officers “shortly”.

Read more: What is happening with major schemes for these Bournemouth car park sites?

However, an update report on the company, which is due to go before councillors at a scrutiny meeting on Wednesday, September 21, and cabinet a week later, said a review had been launched following recent town hall events.

Earlier this month, cabinet approved a finance update paper on the local authority which included a recommendation that other than with agreement of the chief finance officer no new financial commitments will be made until such time as a balanced budget for 2023/24 had been presented.

Bournemouth Development Company, which was set up in 2011 by Bournemouth Borough Council, is a joint venture partnership between the council and Muse Developments – a Morgan Sindall Group company.

The BDC update report says: “It is not known as this stage whether this decision may have wider viability and development programme implications for the sites within the development cycle, such as Eden Glen and Cotlands Road.

“Muse as Development Manager require time to review these project timelines, viability and funding strategies.” The report also includes updates on the BDC schemes which are currently being worked on.

The West Cliff Mansions project of 44 new homes in Durley Road has seen contracted exchanged on all of the homes, with completion of the build expected in November. The scheme is expected to generate a profit in the region of £2.5million.

As reported, the major Winter Gardens development is being reviewed by the council’s urban regeneration company BCP Futures Places to consider the site in the context of a wider development of the BIC site. Future Places is expected to present an outline business case before the end of the year.

A paper outlining a change a potential change in the make-up of the 50 to 60-home plans for Eden Glen car park is due once the council demonstrates a balanced budget for this year.

Similarly, the report said there is an opportunity for the council to lead on the huge employment-led Cotlands Road schemes and a paper will be presented to members in the coming months subject to the balanced budget requirement.