DURDLE DOOR has been declared one of the top 40 beaches in the world, according to a list compiled by BeachAtlas.

The accolade will come as no surprise to those familiar with the popular Jurassic Coast destination with the famed archway making it a holiday hotspot for tourists from across the world.

BeachAtlas placed the beach at number 38 - just two places behind the Copacabana and twelve above Miami’s famous South Beach.

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BeachAtlas described Durdle Door being “known for being home to one of the most famous stone arches in the world. The limestone arch is said to have been formed 10,000 years ago. The beautiful beach curving up to the arch is a mix of sand and gravel, and the water is clear as can be.”

It is the latest in a series of accolades for the impressive coastal destination; earlier this year it was revealed as one of the best locations for stargazing in the United Kingdom and; in April research revealed it as the second most instagrammed beach in Europe.

The only other beach from the United Kingdom to feature on BeachAtlas’ list is Tenby North Beach, in Wales, which came in at 78th.

For more information visit beachatlas.com/100-best-beaches-world