HERE we go again. Imax II. Only in the BCP conurbation.

For those who forget Imax (2002-2013) was the giant six storey concrete and glass monstrosity strategically positioned next to Pier Approach to block out maximum sea views from central Bournemouth.

The monstrosity voted in successive years ‘the worst building in England’.

All the huge investment for a giant cinema screen which then stood empty for a decade, then torn down.

Total cost of the disaster to developers? Nothing.

Cost to council, us council tax payers? Over £20 million.

No-one in the council blinked. It is all okay just write it off.

And now the policy in council, new generation of councillors, let’s do that all again.

Let’s buy the Barclays building in Poole. Seventy year old brutally ugly concrete building no use any longer as offices and you would think no other conceivable use.

But no, our council puts in a bid three times higher than the next bid at a staggering £17 million with a vague idea council will relocate to Poole.

Another brilliant policy from the Tories that has given us BCP non-city conurbation. Poole and Christchurch dragged as satellites into Bournemouth council grandiose scheme with services plummeting by the year.

The truth is as with so many councils, not least BCP monolith, we have communism, extreme socialism, welded to the worse of profit driven markets.

High end executives and councillors with absolute and total security irrespective of consequences. As with the Imax, decisions go shockingly wrong no fiscal consequences to officers or councillors.

And the other end, no end of council services privatised. Flogged off to any and all operators, employees on zero hours contracts, at best minimum wages.

Our council’s welding together the worst of hard core socialism, forever security with no accountability and hard core privatisation. No work, no income, no rent.

As for the Barclays building – the only solution has to be tear down the monstrosity. Use the concrete for sea defences – Christchurch for instance – and green up the Barclays site with trees and plantings giving at least one attractive aspect to the approaches to Poole.

Jeff Williams

Jubilee Road, Poole