Hilary Davison, a finishing operator, frequents The Stag Inn in Heath End Road, Flackwell Heath

How long have you been coming here?

For about 16 years on and off

What is The Stag like?

It is very friendly in here and I like the friendly company I find when I get in. I come in here most evenings for a couple of drinks.

What is your most memorable moment in this pub?

Having a good time in the evenings. It is always memorable.

What is the busiest time?

It is always busy. It is even busy on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the weekends are mad. I work weekends but coming in here it is nice that you always get a friendly reaction.

What is your favourite tipple?

A nice glass of wine.

Do they do good food?

I cannot say as I am so fussy! But it is very good and there is a variety on the board menu.

Landlord Eddie Atkins says The Stag Inn dates back to the early 18th century and used to be a doctor's surgery.

He adds: "There is a ghost in the cellar. I have been working down there and I have left the hose pipe with the water on.

"When I got back down there, the hose was rolled up nice and neat in a coil. "I have never actually seen the ghost though."