Police have reminded motorists not to park in front of a New Forest car park.

Officers were called to assist Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service at an emergency at Pig Bush car park on Hatchet Lane on Saturday. 

But after spotting a motorist blocking the entrance to another entrance gate at Shatterford car park, police have taken to social media to remind drivers to be careful where they park.

A photo of the vehicle, a white Honda, shows it parked just off the main road completely blocking the way in or out.

In a Facebook post, a spokesperson said: "Can we please remind you that you should never park in front of the gates that lead onto the Forest.

"That includes the entrances to all of the car parks - even the ones that are currently closed.

"Today our colleagues at Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service had to attend an emergency at PIG BUSH car park.

"Luckily the emergency wasn't at SHATTERFORD car park where this car had completely blocked the access gate."