I WRITE to respond to Ms Butler’s letter relating to the Borough of Poole’s green waste collection services (October 6) in which she wonders at a rise in collection charges for this year.

I would assure her there is absolutely no increase in the baseline charge of £31 per year. In 2012 when the charge was introduced a discount of 30 per cent was offered to householders who registered before March.

As the service is still developing and the planning of collection rounds is complex, a discount is being offered again for 2013 for residents registering before December 14 to aid the process. That discount is smaller.

Ms Butler is choosing to regard this as an increase in charges whereas in fact residents have another opportunity to benefit from a discounted price.

Even at £31 for the year, I would point out that this still amounts to only an average £1.70 per collection, which is a lot cheaper than driving a load of green waste to the recycling centre and over 20,000 households believe it is value for money.

Collecting green waste is not a statutory requirement by local authorities but we believe it is important to divert recyclable green waste away from landfill, which is expensive for Poole’s council taxpayers.

CLLR XENA DION, portfolio holder for environment, transportation and local economy, Borough of Poole