FURTHER to his letter in the Echo, I feel that Gary Dalkin has rather misinterpreted South Dorset MP Richard Drax’s comments that this country is full.

Firstly, to the best of my knowledge, Mr Drax’s home and estate does not rely on the state for any funding and is self-supporting. Therefore, why should he, or any other landowner, be expected to build all over our precious countryside to accommodate anyone who fancies living here? Who will pay for the construction of all these new homes?

Secondly, I think most people feel we need to have a more robust immigration policy, rather stop it altogether. We need to be more like our Australian and New Zealand cousins and be sure that those who come here have something to offer our economy and be able to support themselves.

Thirdly, too many people who do arrive here are not prepared to adapt to our culture, customs or even our language. Personally, I am sick of being of forced off the pavement and into the road when encountering groups of men from some others cultures who treat women as second class citizens.

I am inclined to concur with Mr Dalkin that austerity measures are hitting the poorer families harder than the wealthy, which needs to be addressed.

I feel a fairer taxation system should include the payment of non-domestic rates on all properties that are rented out, where the tenants are exempt from council tax.

Thus, those who do pay would no longer have to subsidise the non-payers. Landlords would actually be paying fairly for the services provided to their properties. This would generate funds so councils can start building some of the homes that are needed, without obliterating our countryside.

MRS DK DOWSETT, Bournemouth