I AM constantly confronted with requests to support the work of the BCCA in stopping the demolition of the non-listed parts of the Haviland Road centre.

It’s difficult to decide whether to, however, when I have repeatedly asked them to publish their supposed business plan yet they refuse to do so even on their website which contains rumour of various backers and funding with no actual facts.

Also conspicuous in their absence are the details of who BCCA are in terms of people, structure and also their constitution.

How can they expect the local community to hand them thousands of pounds of local resource with no idea of how they propose to finance and run it long term?

While I am supportive of the creative arts and feel it’s important to provide facilities especially in more deprived areas, I still remain unconvinced of their abilities to deliver this.

Meanwhile, the facilities in Boscombe and Springbourne, which are currently doing this work, get less exposure, volunteering and funding in their wake.

Finally, can somebody tell me who decided to change the name from Bournemouth Centre for Community Arts to Boscombe CCA?

MIKE CHALKLEY, Cowper Road, Bournemouth