I feel compelled to write in support of the 99p Store cashier who refused to sell a pencil sharpener to an under-18 (‘Sharpener ban is just pointless’, Echo, March 22).

The law says selling a ‘knife, knife blade or razor blade’to a minor is an offence which may result in a £5,000 fine or imprisonment.

It would certainly be grounds for dismissal from a job.

While I personally have no doubt there is very little incidence of pencil-sharpener-related thuggery, the cashier felt she was acting within the wording of a very strict and important law.

Good on her, I say!

Give 1,000 people the blade from a sharpener and ask them whether it’s covered by the law – I’m sure some will be at least uncertain.

With hindsight, and clarification from management, I’m sure things will be different.

Your editorial stating this is a case of “well-intentioned health and safety rules that fall into the wrong hands” all fail to recognise that she felt she was acting to protect the public and her employer.

MIKE CHALKLEY Cowper Road, Bournemouth