I READ the Exeter Road bus station is now back on track, just as the entrance to the Lower Gardens ended up where it was in the first place.

After sundry hare-brained schemes and disastrous under-passes, and following two poor designs, the Pavilion fountain was restored roughly to its 1920s original design, albeit with inferior materials compared with the original.

Can we please reconcile ourselves to the fact that no commercial enterprise is going to risk financing a loss-making ice-rink or leisure pool? Also accept that the reef scheme was/is a failure and needs to be quietly buried in our memories.

I had visitors staying last week-end, and we generally agreed the Imax is quite a presentable sight when viewed from the promenade and pier.

Can we, with some haste, and with council-sponsored capital, site a leisure swimming pool on the lower level of the Imax, an ice-rink on the upper level, and a bus station in Exeter Road?

As for the “view” from Bath Hill... mainly seen for less than a minute or so by passengers in moving vehicles. I suggest a contest be held to paint a duplicate landscape view of the bay on the unsightly concrete block landward side of the Imax.

Perhaps we could then move on and all get some peace, and minds be applied to the Winter Gardens Site and Westover Road, with regard to the proposals for restaurants and cinemas?

TGM (Geoff) BEARD, Withermoor Road, Winton, Bournemouth