FURTHER to the letter in today’s Daily Echo, ‘It’s a bad decision to build playground’ I would disagree with the comments made by your reader regarding the Queen’s Park children’s play park proposals.

As part of the council’s playground strategy we have already carried out a thorough review of the town’s play parks.

We need to ensure that we have a more even distribution of play parks in Bournemouth and to make sure that the play parks we have, are of a good quality.

Strouden play park has been earmarked as it is of a poor standard and is not positioned in an ideal location. We will be slowly decommissioning the play park over the next two to three years and that is why proposals have been put forward to create a new play park at Queen’s Park.

The long-term aim for Queen’s Park is to create a more family-friendly space with facilities that will appeal to visitors of all ages.

We have carried out two public consultations since 2010 for this site and residents are supportive of the plans. We have listened very carefully to feedback and we will continue to listen to residents and users of the golf course.

Playgrounds are hugely important places, not only for children with the health and social benefits they bring, but also as places for parents to socialise and enjoy; that is why the council continues to invest in them.

CLLR ROD COOPER, Cabinet Member for Economy, Leisure and Tourism, Bournemouth Council