I REFER to the proposed play park for Queens Park golf course car park.

It is a crazy scheme due to the location, when a few yards up the road is a perfect spot for a playground, an open green space complete with picnic tables.

The presently proposed site is on a sharp bend where cars frequently leave the road – just look at all the flattened hedges along this part of Queens Park West Drive where cars have embedded themselves in the hedges along there.

Furthermore, the car park is in a blind spot unseen from the road making a kiddies’ area a mecca for unsavoury people.

Far better to site a playground up on the green opposite the retirement complex.

This would make it safer for the children and give the elderly an interest in their lives to boot .

It is not too late to change track Bournemouth council. You know it makes sense.

ANN CLARKE, Weldon Avenue, Bournemouth