A WEEK or so before Christmas the company I work for sent me in a lorry to the Commercial Recycling premises in Canford Magna with a load of damaged baths to dump them.

Whilst there I asked how much they would charge if a tradesman went there to dump trade waste and I was staggered at their answer – a minimum charge of £90 for up to a tonne of trade waste.

This means that a tradesman (jobbing builder for instance) would have to pay £90 to get rid of his waste, which has to come from any profit he has made on the job.

You can plainly see why there is so much fly tipping in our lovely town and its surrounding rural areas.

I think it is time, and past time, that local councils were forced to provide cheap or free facilities for tradesmen to dump their waste.

They are barred from using the household waste recycling sites because those operators refuse to accept trade waste.

SIMON TURTLEBAY, Terrington Ave, Christchurch