THE article in Saturday’s Echo (Heathland Versus Housing at Enquiry) concerning the forthcoming Public Enquiry, mentions Poole Council’s statement that the Talbot Village development will ‘secure £9m worth of funds for the local area’. As this sum was never previously publicly mentioned it would be helpful to know what these funds will be used for. Certainly the scheme as proposed has no community centre or other amenities for local residents and the included public open spaces have been positioned in completely the wrong areas, away from the majority of the present Village.

Little or none of the funds generated from this development will help local people.

Clearly vacant areas in the Village do offer scope for additional housing, but this proposed plan will vastly over-develop the area, resulting in an estimated extra 1,200 people living at the Talbot Village off Wallisdown Road.

No recognition has been made by Poole Council as to the aggravation this will cause for local schools, roads, transport and the environment. Local residents and significant environmental groups are protesting against this scheme and support at the public enquiry by other residents will be much appreciated. The Public Enquiry starts at 10am on Tuesday July 12 at Hamworthy Sports Club in Magna Road.

G SMITH, Talbot Village