WE are lead by the nose to believe that nearly all threats to our way of life stem from Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or some other secret and threatening faction and yet nearly all the wrecking damage done to our western world and our way of life has been done to us by our own people - by ourselves.

Our banks have wrecked themselves and us and have gone bust. Now whole western countries have gone bust and are in chaos.

Our own country is all but bust and yet in all this ensuing chaos not a single Islamic bank has been effected.

Not a single Islamic bank needs bailing out. 140,000 American soldiers, along with our own British army in Afghanistan, we are told to keep us safe and yet safe we are not.

What does this tell us about threats and lifestyles? It tells us the direction of the real threat to our democracy and the stability of our way of life is internal and comes from not from terrorists but from the most wealthy sector of our own western people.

DOUGLAS MILLS, Fraser Road, Poole