THE DEBATE re welfare reform is obscuring the truth of what this Coalition is about.

Ed Miliband, HM’s leader of the Opposition, at PMQs last Wednesday was insistent on one point only of the Bill.

Everyone knows that cancer is an insidious illness and can recur at a moment’s notice. If Governments permit a patient to continue to get the medical benefit they are entitled to, by bipartite agreement, under an earlier government, then that patient and sufferer will be moved onto benefit which is less in monetary terms.

One wonders where this debacle re invalidity and disability will end – in some gulag or sinister camp where they can be disposed off once they are forgotten by all but their friends and close relatives as happened in those totalitarian countries of yesteryear?

Are we heading back to Bedlam? Or are we already in it and there is no prospect of turning forward once again? There is one thing certain and that is the dismemberment of all the progress we have as a nation made and the obliteration of all humanity shown by the state as was legislated by Liberal and Socialist Governments in the last 150 years.

The country must awaken to the dangerous water ahead.

ERNEST FRASER-FINNIE, Owls Road, Bournemouth