THE appealing letter from Mrs Kelly (Echo, June 21) must surely add in its persuasive terms that the era of allowing cycling on Bournemouth’s Promenade is over. ‘No more cycling’ should now be the order made by the council.

Surely the experience suffered by Mrs Kelly – and countless other users wishing to enjoy an uninterrupted walk but threatened with serious injuries inflicted by speeding cyclists should be sufficient evidence to call out a majority of councillors who will call upon their colleagues to restore the Promenade to its correct use for the benefit of our visitors and their children and our residents, both young and elderly.

There does not appear to be adequate supervision provided by the council to ensure cyclists observe the recognised code of conduct regarding their cycling.

In the instance of Mrs Kelly’s mishap a lifeguard attended to the good lady and had previously observed the dangerous manner of cycling exercised by this cyclist.

So let’s end these reports of serious accidents by banning cycling before it’s too late.

P WHITELEGG, Saxonhurst Close, Northbourne