AS one of the Throop and Muscliff Ward councillors, I have been trying to help Mrs Lorraine Zavadil and her son Tarik (Echo, June 9) and attending meetings with officers from Social Services to try to reinstate the funding to care for her son.

Mrs Zavadil has compromised and agreed to a 30 per cent reduction in the care package, but not the 70 per cent which the council is proposing. I have met Tarik and his wonderful carers and you can see their love and commitment to him and he knows and trusts them with his life.

I sincerely hope that we can reach the decision where Tarik’s care is undertaken by his present carers and not as suggested have an agency to care at night for him.

Our most vulnerable should never be used as political footballs or their families. I will always fight for this part of our community as they do not in many cases have a voice, so we must speak for them.

CLLR ANNE REY, Setley Gardens, Bournemouth