LISTENING to the news about the Greek financial problems, with their government’s efforts to impose cutbacks to deal with their deficit, it leaves me wondering why our own government can get away with this continual harping on about ‘Look at the state Labour left us in!’ Why doesn’t someone tell them this is factual nonsense? To my understanding, the UK Labour government wasn’t responsible for the Greek economy, nor that of Portugal or any other country that finds itself in their current financial difficulties.

The crisis across Europe and beyond has been caused by the banks, no-one else!

Yes, we are in difficulties, but the cause is not what we are being told it is! The answer to this point is that the Tory/Lib-Dem agenda is one of imposing cuts to all our major services just so Cameron and his henchmen can apply political decisions and put in place their long-held ambition of annihilating our welfare services.

We must resist this with all our might. To sit back and let things run their course will leave us with no pensions, no NHS, no wage structure of any value, no teaching force of quality, minimal armed forces. The list of damage just goes on and on!

CHARLIE WILLINGHAM, Fontmell Road, Broadstone