FOR most sensible drivers there is no such thing as a dangerous road.

If you drive according to the road conditions, roads are not inherently dangerous things and in fact they are safer than they’ve ever been.

Unfortunately, a small percentage of the human population are idiots; they are idiots at work, idiots when they’re doing DIY and idiots when they’re behind the wheel of a car.

These people are idiots at 30mph, 40mph, 50mph, 60mph and 70mph and reducing the speed limit on the A31 alongside the Drax Estate will not stop idiots from driving through Richard Drax’s wall.

Why? Because they don’t drive according to the conditions, they don’t concentrate and they do lots of other things whilst driving (eating, shaving, applying make-up, phoning… I’ve seen it all).

My advice to the Highways Agency is ‘Don’t punish the many for the sins of the few’.

I have driven along this stretch of road thousands of times, at the national speed limit for this road, totally without incident or accident. This is a perfectly safe road at 60mph and if you have your wits about you (which should always be the case when driving) you can have a lifetime of trouble-free driving.

You cannot simply keep reducing speed limits in the vain hope that it will put an end to accidents as it never will.

The solution is to catch the idiots, throw the book at them and leave the other 99 per cent of us to enjoy the road safely and sensibly.

DAVID LIGHT, Canford Heath