IT IS good to see Poole Council is finally recognising the need for more garden allotment plots in the area, in light of increased demand from residents.

There are currently over 900 people on the waiting list and, as the council acknowledges, there are no plots suitable for residents with disability or mobility issues.

Well I think I may have the answer! Here in Creekmoor we have a flat piece of land with power, water and light, good road access and parking spaces readily available for disabled parking badge holders and the land is currently not in use. It is the Park and Ride site.

What could be better than putting the site to good use providing allotments along with a community orchard and making the area something to be cherished by the people, rather than an empty and unused car park.

This is a solution which would appeal to all and as there are no allotments in the area it would be a good addition to the current provision and reduce the council’s costs.

SIOBHAN COLEMAN, Honeysuckle Lane, Creekmoor