COUNCIL tax bills have been sent out. In the current climate of reform why is Bournemouth not leading at the front and showing the rest of the country how a reformed and modern council could work?

Councils across the country have become bloated and take the electorate for granted, Let us go back to basics and strip down the role of council, provide services that are vital such as police, health, and education, leave other areas to private providers. If there is a demand those services will be provided. We cannot allow councils to grow at the rate they have grown over the last 30 years.

Councils seem to have their fingers in every pie being baked. Is there anyone in Council brave enough to vote for their own extinction? A council has no business in being involved in leisure services, newsletters, surf reefs etc to name but a few. Big is not always best. People are tired of not only having national government dictate to them, but also local government being part of their lives like a faceless relative in the background.

MR M PREDETH, Argyll Road, Boscombe