I AM so incensed that I just had to write to you in response to your article “Bit daff-t” (March 14).

Please correct me if I am wrong but do we not vote councillors in because we believe that they will represent us as and when we need them to? If this is the case I think Cllr Adams has some explaining to do. It is totally beyond me why he would call the police and not approach these people and request them to stop their children picking flowers.

As a councillor I am sure he already knows how over-stretched the police are and for him to use them in this manner is totally inappropriate and should have only been done as a last resort, i.e. once he had spoken to the parents and if they had refused to stop their children.

I feel genuinely aggrieved for this family and especially for their little girls. For the record, yes the parks should not be used for picking flowers but there was a way to deal with this and Cllr Adams chose not to take this route.

DAWN DARBYSHIRE, address supplied