CLLR Mike Brooke’s claim that the Council is going to ‘grass over’ the flower beds around Poole and that there will be ‘no colourful display of five Olympic rings greeting visitors to Poole Park through next summer’ is a complete fabrication.

His comments serve only to create unnecessary angst to local people. During the Economy Overview and Scrutiny committee meeting in which this subject matter was raised, the committee were not in agreement with this proposal and asked that all avenues be explored before making such a decision and that councillors and local people would be given the opportunity to pursue local sponsorship for the flower beds as they are such an integral and appreciated part of Poole’s landscape.

This was how the matter was left, with a final suggestion by myself for Councillors to actively engage in searching for contributions including from their own pocket and Cllr Brooke is merely politicking.

CLLR XENA DION, Blake Dean Road, Poole