WHAT an entirely different world we live in to the 1950s.

In 1953 the coronation was fantastic. We had huge flags in our street, we had a wonderful party and we got glimpses of the big on a 14in televison.

As a child of 10, as far as I know the parties just happened, arranged by the families in the street.

But now? Heaven help us, permits, licences, insurance, road closures and who knows how many forms to fill out. One large bureaucatic process before you even get started.

And apart from this, the fact is we are now living in an entirely different world.

In 1953 the whole population were children compared with now. I mean in the 1950s royalty seemed natural and right and a coronation magical. But it’s not like that now, is it?

Now we understand our world far better and I am sure I am not alone feeling that super wealth and privilege, however charming, sits very poorly alongside rising mass unemployment and poverty in our country.

Judging by the Echo article the response to the party opportunity would seem to be rock bottom.

It’s a bit like selling 20 FA cup tickets. However well-orchestrated the build-up, which it clearly is, I think very large numbers of people have very mixed feelings about the whole business.

ROGER CLARK, Bournemouth