BOB Diamond at Barclays Bank gets a bonus of a £6.5million – obscene or what? When you work it out this amount of money would have secured the jobs of more than 400 low-paid council workers, on about £15,000 per annum, who have probably already been sacked.

Cameron and Clegg ought to be very concerned about the actions in North Africa and the Middle East.

These are all about populations waking up and realising they have been seriously done-down by those who have been mopping up their country’s money for years. Such action could easily happen here.

In truth this is what Cameron is leading us towards in this country. If you’re rich and money-grabbing that’s great in his eyes. Anyone else he doesn’t want to know. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! This would make me laugh if it wasn’t so outrageously insulting!

CHARLES WILLINGHAM, Fontmell Road, Broadstone