PLEASE Mr Trevor Osborne, may we have a little more imagination for the Bournemouth Pavilion than places to sit and eat and places to sit and watch films?

The government is particularly concerned about the increasing cost of obesity and your proposals run counter to those concerns.

Restaurants seem the first choice of any development yet holiday-makers need more than restaurants. Why so many cinemas?

Could not provision be made for an outdoor dancing site so spectators could enjoy watching different styles of dancing and local schools could put on small displays?

What about a small ‘Speakers’ Corner’ where those who want to air their opinions other than by email could pay a small fee to stand on a soap box for 20 minutes?

What about an out door facility for those who want to play chess or marbles, hop-scotch even? What about a climbing wall?

Well, just ideas.

D. MITCHELL, William Road, Bournemouth.