With regard to the Echo item on men abusing women, I managed seven years of marriage and I am sorry to say it ended very badly with a lot of distress and upset.

My former wife would say I was violent. I have a violent temper.

So what can I say – do I have any defence?

Was I as much a victim as my former wife would say she was?

I would say I think I was a victim.

I could not believe at times how nasty and spiteful my wife could be. Then, over the years, I realised it was every month or so – but not during a pregnancy.

So sorry to bring this up, ladies, but it’s what no-one wants to talk about.

Women when they are going through painful hormonal cycles can be, in my experience, extremely unpleasant and extremely hurtful, and out of nowhere.

So, I for one am very sorry as a man – but then glad to be divorced and at least living in peace.

Now I am not being condemned for not coping with, to quote the article, “the failings of the other partner”.