In reply to Natalie Greenfield (Have Your say, September 30) regarding the bridge at Iford Lane. I too have experienced several altercations between drivers negotiating the one-way system.

In fact the chicanes throughout Iford Lane are a liability because many of them have insufficient sight lines to know who has approached first and who has the right of way.

There was nothing wrong with the two way system through the bridge. There was sufficient room for two vehicles and you automatically slowed to negotiate the narrowing of the road.

Of course the changes were made to allow for the crazy addition of cycle paths through the bridge.

The whole area, Poole through to Christchurch, has gone cycle crazy.

Take, for instance, the latest useless lanes that have been added through Barrack Road this year.

They start – then finish.

Cyclists ignore them and use the pavements, which I am far happier with and so, I suspect, are most cyclists and pedestrians if they are honest.

No doubt the council is thinking of utilising its £18 million reserve fund on yet more crazy traffic schemes that do nothing to enhance the flow of traffic around the area.

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