I would just like to say a big thank you to the niggardly bean counters at the Town Hall.

Ten years ago I, along with all staff who had completed 20 years of service received an award amount-ing to a few hundred pounds per annum in recognition of our long service.

Imagine my delight to find that, after a further 10 years service I and my fellow long serving staff will lose this award next year under the guise of equality.

As a frontline worker over 30 years I have dealt with any thing that can happen within the public domain and the fallout caused by it.

I have encountered murder, suicide and 1001 incidents besides being run down, having my ribs broken and needing dental work after someone tried to rearrange my face – all in a day’s work!

Once again a big thank you, and I hope the money saved can go towards something useful – like a course on staff care.