I FEEL I should write in regarding Faith on Saturday’s oestrogen-fuelled column in this Saturday’s Echo on the Coleen Rooney article. I regularly scan her column on a Saturday and although highly female-biased sometimes manage a wry smile. Does Faith seriously believe Coleen Rooney could have “written her own meal ticket and forged a lucrative career” if she was plain old Coleen McLoughlin and not Mrs Wayne Rooney?

Hmmmm I think not. I don't condone what Wayne Rooney did and being a Liverpool supporter he's not exactly my favourite human being (sorry Faith you probably won't understand that reference). Come on Faith it’s the 21st century, women now get a vote and compete with men on most levels, don't drag them back down every week by trying to make out every problem in the world has been caused by a man.

SHANE HOPKINS, address supplied, Kinson