With the latest drugs raids in Bournemouth and the recent highlighting of organised people traffickers, isn’t it about time we legalised them – both drugs and brothels?

Let’s face it, whatever we are doing isn’t working. Drug barons all over the UK are rubbing their hands while counting their money and praising the antiquated, Victorian attitudes of the British people.

The pathetic attempts by police to cull this evil lot is laughable. I’m not sure about the recent operation in Boscombe, but most drug raids cost thousands upon thousands and result in a pitiful return.

Usually a very small amount of drugs are involved and most caught are “reprimanded” and told “Don’t do it again”. It’s Pythonesque.

The alarming increase in people trafficking should also be a great concern to us all. It happens here in Bournemouth.

Not all UK police forces currently have any plans for concerted efforts to break these rings and the poor girls who are bought and sold like animals have a animal existence until they die – usually from violence or drugs.

Legalising both these would create a state whereby drug barons and people traffickers would overnight become a thing of the past.

Drugs would be clean, available freely from recognised medical outlets and the taxes from the sales could fund our creaking NHS.

The brothels could be governed, out of town, healthy, clean and safe environments for girls who wish to to offer their services. They would no longer fear the pimps and scum of this world living off the torture of young girls. These could be visited regularly by authorities and given clear bill of health.

We are never, ever going to win the drugs battle so let adults take drugs if they wish and if adult women want to sell their services and adult men buy who are we to stop them? Write to your MP now!