Gordon Cann (Have Your Say, August 25) is clearly disturbed by the turn of events in our domestic politics. He claims that most Liberal Democrats believe in a greater degree of social justice than exists at present. He also believes that Britain is becoming more unequal as a result of the Tory/Lib Dem budget. One can understand the discomfiture of people like Mr Cann because they almost certainly did not vote for a right-wing party that would set out to squeeze the poor. Unfortunately, the Lib Dems as a national political party are pretty unscrupulous and will generally stoop to anything to get votes. In the present situation their leaders have happily discarded their manifesto in favour of doing the Tories’ bidding in exchange for some big jobs.

For their part, the Tories have used the most gigantic spin to persuade people that our national debt is somehow unsustainable, which is not the case. It is currently around 60 per cent of GDP, whereas when Neville Chamberlain introduced his deflationary budget in 1932, it was 177 per cent. This government is treading a path which will lead to a double-dip recession, increased unemployment and the loss of homes and businesses. Tony Williams, Warnford Road, Bournemouth