I read with interest the varying views with regards to the resignation of Cllr John Beesley as chairman of the planning board, and particularly those who are sad to see him step down.

However, my main worries about John concern the ill thought-out decisions he has taken as Deputy Leader.

He worked arm in arm with Stephen MacLoughlin on all major policy areas.

As portfolio holder for resources, he was chiefly responsible for outsourcing, which resulted in a cross-party scrutiny panel rejecting this shambles.

Poor decision-making has cost the authority large sums of money in terms of officer dedication and consultancy advice.

John is also in charge of the Town Centre Master Vision which has received much criticism for the way backbenchers have had very little chance to influence the future of Bournemouth.

I am hoping the incoming leader, Cllr Peter Charon, will bear all this in mind when selecting his cabinet and agree that a new deputy leader would mark the start of a more inclusive and rigorous chapter. Only last year, he challenged John for the role of deputy leader and at the time voiced similar concerns. He now has the opportunity to take action.

Cllr Michael Griffiths, Town Hall, Bournemouth