Having visited the Russell Cotes Museum the other day to see the Views of Bournemouth exhibition, I would urge the councillors responsible for the Town Centre Master Vision for Bournemouth to see it for themselves.

Then, after having inwardly digested the view from the Pier consisting of the hotels and buildings along the slope that leads to West Cliff, all in perfect alignment and in harmony with their environment, to ask themselves whether the hotch-potch of old and new that is the Bournemouth of today is really what we want! OK, I hear you say, we’re not going in that direction now but, why not? What was here was far superior to what we have today.

You only have to look at the old buildings to see they have, in the main, stood the test of time and have the character that drew people to Bournemouth in the first place. I believe Captain Tregonwell would literally turn in his grave if he could see our lack of vision for Bournemouth.

Karen Lawman, Marlborough Road, Westbourne